At Hoffman Education, we take a personal approach to private tutoring. Founded in 2004, we’re dedicated to providing the best tutoring Westchester service there is, with expert tuition in the comfort of a student’s own home.
Hoffman can match a student with their perfect tutor throughout several counties. Westchester County, New York, Fairfield County CT and parts of New Haven County CT are all covered. Staff can provide expert tuition in your home, or on-site at our tutoring center in Stamford CT.
Tutoring Westchester – what we teach
Stellar tutoring in Westchester is available across a huge range of subjects. Math, sciences and languages are all covered, as are study skills, reading, writing and grammar. We also teach college level subjects.
Our tutors can help children struggling with homework, dropping grades, or preparing for exam time. Contact Hoffman today to get started with a free consultation.